Sunday, January 29, 2012

Avila, a cold mountain town

Avila was absolutely beautiful from indoors. In all honesty the only thing it has going for it is the sick stone wall around the city perimeter that may (or may not) be the oldest one is Spain. Anyways with me being pretty sick all week this was a rough trip. We were expected to trudge through this three-hour tour [all outdoors while it was snowing and no one brought umbrellas] and I discovered my shoe had a hole in the bottom pretty early on and snowy sludge would seep through and drench my socks. So after talking to the director that my sickness was only getting worse, we snuck off and went shopping and to some little cafes and met up with the group after the tour. I stole these top two pictures from someone in the group but I'm a wimp when it comes to being cold, especially when I'm sick. But with our adaptation to the plan I had a lovely time and even enjoyed the heated floor in the visitor's center as we waited for the group to catch up.

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