So all through this trip I've been humoring myself and describing everything with a "in Spain" tacked onto the end on the sentence, as if to imply its just that much better! Well there is definitely one thing that doesn't apply to the Spain=better format. Being sick in Spain is much worse than at home for a number of reasons:
1. I can't just call my mom and say, "hey i've had a fever on/off for a few days. should i go to the doctor?"
2. i have no idea what medicine to find/use/take from my host family. pssht why didn't they teach us medical jargon in university Span 105?
3. my host mom is STILL constantly trying to feed me. You'd think she'd understand that when i use the phrase "pienso ir a vomitar" (i think i am going to vomit) she would understand that my stomach hurts and no i don't want chocolate and churros in the morning no matter how dang good they look.
4. you have to endure herbal remedies that are supposedly necessary for my health. i know she is just being so nice and there are some truths to them but the discomfort factor>result. i was trying to get some warm water with salt to gargle away my sore throat and she replaced it with a strong hot lemon and honey replacement, emphasis on the lemon. my stomach was a little unhappy with that. and bless her heart she forced me to put on these thick PJ pants and a thick sweatshirt to sleep in so i could "sweat it out" through the night. now idk if there's truth in the ability to sweat out bacteria out of my system but lemme just tell you it makes for a long night.
5. spanish is just that much harder to understand when your head is spinning
6. you miss out on seeing and doing fun things with the group like going on a Madrid walk or to ikea with the family...
...Anyways that's enough whining for now. It's a little rough.